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Saagar - Rickshaw Run 2023

Rickshaw Run

I am incredibly fortunate to be taking part in this unique experience, with the aim of the Sewa UK Rickshaw Run 2023 (RR23) to support the refurbishment of a dental unit at Arogyadham in Chitrakoot, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Sewa is a dharmic concept of ‘selfless service’ with the belief that you should try and do your duty to serve society, in any way that you can, without any expectation of reward or praise.

Whilst I have completed other sewa experiences, this will be truly unique!

There are 108 participants, from around the world, that will be travelling from Chitrakoot to Kutch in 36 Rickshaws from 10-23 December 2023, covering over 2000 km in 12 days, looking to raise £500,000.

The participants are 100% self funded and all donations will go directly to cause without any deductions!

Over 35,000 children are born with a cleft defect annually in India. Over half of those are either unable to afford treatments or are completely unaware that this can be treated at all. The operations that take place are life changing for the children and allow them to integrate into normal society without any associated stigma.

The facility provides FREE or very affordable cleft and palate surgery to support the 500 surrounding villages. The building will have 6 dental surgeries on the 1st floor. On the ground floor, it will have 1 dental surgery, 1 operation theatre and 1 dental lab including waiting areas, offices and washroom facilities.

I thank you in advance for your donation, be it small or large, as every donation will help making the life of children better, one smile at a time!


Saagar Mehta

Goal: £2,500.00
Collected: £2,661.00
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Charity Number 1135425. Company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales No. 06976220.
© Sewa UK 2023

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Charity Number 1135425. Company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales No. 06976220. © Sewa UK 2023

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