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Where it all begins…

24 Jun 2020 7:23 AM | Sewa UK (Administrator)

 Written by Neel Joshi

Namaste and welcome along to my Youth for Sewa expedition, one in which I hope to learn the true essence of selfless and devotional service while on my journey through Bharat. A historical landscape esteemed in culture, traditions and values. This journey is not aimed at me “helping” in the improvement of such Sewa projects, no, I aim to focus on Karyakarta Nirman, developing myself  through Atmeeyataa (relationship), Swadhyay (self-study), Antarik Vikaas (self-introspection) and Atyanta Pramanikata (reliability, integrity, and honesty).

As part of the YfS process. An understanding must first be developed as to the true nature of the task and project at hand. This is through the soft skills workshops such as righteous conduct, the removal of selfishness, learning the development of 21st Century India and writing to create effect when writing these blogs.

Orientation day 2 provided a more in depth analysis as to the true difficulties India faces, as interns, we presented on a matter which we restricts India’s development as a recognised world leader. I focussed upon India’s colonial rule as to the source of the current injustices faced in the region. The disparity in the customs across different areas/states further hindered by the perception shown in western media which downgrades and mocks the abilities of the Indian people. These ideas were further encouraged in the session led by the highly intellectual Sachin-ji Nandha whom also highlighted the further inequality in the healthcare system, sanitation and access to clean water. This led to some further thought provoking discussion as to the rebuilding process for the nation.

Following on from this, the gracious Vidhu-ji Sharma delivered her creative writing session which explained how to explain macro story using a micro format. This I found helps build substance and setting to the story by focussing on the specifics. This I feel would be of real benefit when my make my journey to Bharat and document my travels.

To end the orientation day, we were left with some final remarks by former YfS intern, Meet, who explained the meaning gratitude. From the session, I have learnt that happiness takes many forms and this idea relates back to a lesson taught n the book, Sadhana of Service which explained that

“To enjoy oneself is selfishness, but to enjoy along with others is enlightened happiness”
Eknath-ji Ranade – Sadhana of Service

which I believe embodies the true essence of gratitude. Share and enjoy experiences together as happiness is infectious and can be shared by everyone. This is the core objectives when conducting sewa.

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